
Sandra Barragán


This paper aims to analyse the maturation and retirement frequency of university professors
and their consequences on latent variables: teaching productivity and research productivity.
The analysis was based, firstly, on the combination of Dynamic Performance Management
and System Dynamics as modelling techniques and secondly, on the simulation of four
scenarios for both subsystems that are part of the productivity dynamics of university
professors. The simulation detected that having more frequent teacher withdrawals, both
teacher and research productivities deteriorate and, in some cases, after the adaptation period
of new teachers, these productivities do not fully recover. These findings can serve as input
to those who make decisions in Higher Education Institutions and who formulate institutional
policies for the selection, hiring, training and quality of training of their teachers, favouring
working environments that foster the continuity of teachers in environments that promote
teaching activity and the formulation of research projects, since teaching productivity and
research productivity affect the added academic value and scientific production, and these,
in turn, affect enrolment, tenure and graduation in Higher Education Institutions.

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labour productivity, personnel management, simulation models, university professors

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Barragán, S. (2020). XXI. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS, A HUMAN RESOURCE THAT REQUIRES MATURATION. A PERSPECTIVE FROM SYSTEMS DYNAMICS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.185
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