
Alexandra Gaviria Marulanda - Cristian Camilo Osorio Ordoñez - María Teresa Sánchez Ospina - Tatiana Marcela Restrepo Cano


During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers saw the need to continue work activities from
home through telework, a situation that has generated an increase in musculoskeletal
disorders in different body segments, due to the static postural load and repetitive movements
of the upper limbs, and due to the non-ergonomic conditions of the furniture used for the
development of work activity, the most affected body segments being the neck, the dorsal
and lumbar area, the shoulders, elbows, forearms and wrists respectively. The research was
developed using a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, whose sample was 32
teachers, to whom a job inspection was carried out, the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment
(RULA) method and the Nordic questionnaire were applied, a process that was carried out
with the hygiene and safety measures indicated during the mandatory isolation. It was
identified that the teachers do not have ergonomic conditions for the development of the
tasks; nor with an active break program during the working day; After applying the RULA
method, it was shown that they present a risk level 4, indicating that they require urgent
changes in the task and workplace. Finally, it is concluded that due to work at home during
the pandemic, musculoskeletal disorders that mainly affected the upper limbs and back
increased significantly.

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musculoskeletal conditions, teachers, teleworking, COVID-19, musculoskeletal disorders

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How to Cite
Gaviria Marulanda -, A., Osorio Ordoñez -, C. C., Sánchez Ospina -, M. T., & Restrepo Cano, T. M. (2020). XVI. ANALYSIS OF OSTEOMUSCULAR DOLLENCIES IN HIGHER MEMBER AND COLUMN IN TEACHERS OF SAN PEDRO VALLE DEL CAUCA, GENERATED BY WORK AT HOME DURING THE PANDEMIC BY COVID-19. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.180
Artículos Científico