
John Alberto Ramírez Torres


The writing is a review of the theoretical-conceptual framework of an research for a doctoral
exercise in the educational field, which has only just begun and is framed in the pedagogies
of the south and in epistemological decolonization, to build and reconstruct our own
knowledge, by recognizing our history, culture and ancestral popular knowledge, with the
aim of generating new social relationships.
The main axis of the article is to discuss the need to create a curriculum for each subject or
area of knowledge, given at all levels of training made up of the Colombian educational
system, far from the dominant ideology centered on Eurocentrism, manifested in
reproduction of victors’ narratives and thus, ignoring the stories of the vanquished by erasing
their history, customs, social relationships, various cosmogonies and popular knowledge,
through a mechanistic and positivist reductionism, consistent with the need of developing the
capitalist system and its expansion through invasion, dispossession and death, involving a
colonizing process, both material and ideological; in this sense, we need to reconstruct our
own thinking and epistemology, starting from the other, from its bioterritorial context and
relations of Complementarity, with classrooms being spaces to decolonize ideas and to create
a new country, where the dignity of the human being is in the key of good living, because
Another Colombia is Possible.

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good living, coloniality, curriculum, decolonization, Eurocentrism.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Torres, J. A. (2020). XI. A CURRICULUM FOR THE OTHER POSSIBLE COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.175
Artículos Científico