
Saúl Marcelo Chinche Calizaya


This paper aims to contribute to the critical-reflective analysis on the overall development of
the social sciences and particularly in the case of sociology and social work, where you can
find certain similarities and relationships at the same time, some specific distinctions as to
how to approach their subject matter. In the case of sociology, it can perfectly identify a significant effort to develop a deep knowledge about the structures that make the complexity
of the company and the entities it originates from interactions that build men in their
everyday; visualizing it as a genuine attempt to understand the social world through the
production and reproduction of a body of theory that turns out to be very useful for social
work and other disciplines, providing useful clues about the social nature. For his part, makes
sense in social work practice experience in theoretical and ideological reflections arising
from this practice and the encounter with the other general social theories that somehow
complement the broad and comprehensive perspective on social reality and that Basically,
contribute to self-reflection and automirada on the profession itself; becoming a "socializing"
a type of circumstantial knowledge of the stage of the particular concrete reality and
inexorably linked to a historical social practice

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theoretical Corpus, social reality, sociological practice, social action, substantive needs; social welfare; social issue, social intervention.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Chinche Calizaya, S. M. (2020). VIII. SOCIAL SCIENCE, SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK: A THEORETICAL OVERVIEW. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–32. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.172
Artículos Científico