
Saúl Marcelo Chinche Calizaya


The construction of knowledge in the Social Sciences undoubtedly has an unfinished
character given its provisional nature; for it is clear that there is always something radically incomplete in this type of knowledge, the study of which is precisely oriented towards the
analysis of social phenomena. We arrive at this statement, because social phenomena in
general, tend to resemble unrepeatable periodicities not only for their actors who interact in
it, but basically for the delimitation of time-space; added to the fact that they are unstable,
complex, dynamic and contradictory, which make the possibilities of their apprehension and
interpretation even more difficult.
Although, on the one hand, this brings with it deep concerns when it comes to approaching reality
and, specifically, about social phenomena; on the other, it tends to generate interesting challenges and
guiding starting points in its analysis, since they allow us to understand that these can hardly be
similar, even if they had common morphological characteristics (understanding of the entire object),
the analysis of those aspects that At first glance, they cannot be appreciated (circumstances,
intentions, actors' own orientations) and, perhaps most importantly, social phenomena are never
repeated as they have already occurred, since the actors, the circumstances, intentions and orientations
that guided the action are no longer the same (historical character).

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Doxa, praxis, subject, object, objectivity, subjectivity, meaning, reality, phenomenology, consciousness, intersubjectivity, lebenswelt, typifications, reflexivity.

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How to Cite
Chinche Calizaya, S. M. (2020). VI. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AROUND UNDERSTANDING THE REALITY OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.170
Artículos Científico