
Nayibe Soraya Sánchez León - Isabel Ortiz Serrano - Melissa Rivera Guzmán


The systematization of the PQRSF process (Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions and
Congratulations) the ITFIP higher education institution of Espinal Colombia, aims to
achieve: Eliminate excess paper and protect the most important documents that are worked
on in this system of information. It is significant to highlight that the automation is due to the
MINTIC ministerial order "Online Government Strategy". Which decrees all state entities to
comply with: Zero role, connection between state entities, modernization of decision-making
processes, optimization in response time of administrative information systems, among
The research methodology was proposed through the combination of the methods:
exploratory, descriptive, and propositional; supported by inquiry techniques. For the
construction of the software, the Extreme Programming methodology was chosen, which
allows users to participate in the automation of PQRSF, getting a job hand in hand with
PQRSF users.
The main result has been the inclusion of people in the automation of PQRSF, through the
development of ESBEN software. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the ITFIP: It will not
have loss of information, improvement in its customer service, processes in line with agile
management, maximum control, verification, and improvement of its services, through
efficient decision-making and timely.

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PQRSF, XP, software, complaints, claims

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How to Cite
Sánchez León -, N. S., Ortiz Serrano - , I., & Rivera Guzmán, M. (2020). III. AUTOMATIZACIÓN PROCESO DE PETICIÓN, QUEJA, RECLAMO y SUGERENCIA. CASO COLOMBIA. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.167
Artículos Científico