
Juan Carlos Rangel Romero


This paper alludes to the method in which social technologies have been implemented
in the dynamics of school instruction in a processual and constant way, where it is identified
that in the beginning its main utility was the improvement of the quality of life, information
and communication. From the changes in lifestyles brought about by the COVID-19 health
contingency in all social orders, the transition to new pedagogical approaches drives the use
of digital platforms as part of the teaching dynamics in the training processes in a transversal
way to the school programs of basic education. Through an ethnographic methodology, an
experience is lived inside a public school, in which teachers use a variety of electronic tools
to nurture their educational practice in a group of first year of elementary education with
infants of six and seven years old. Among the results achieved is that the ways of instruction
incorporate a variety of resources in which the diversity of audio, video and other formats
are used as part of the uses of interrelation and learning, which leads to prepare ways of being
participants in living contexts that leave the pages of physical texts as the only sources of

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Educational technology, teaching program, educational innovation, pedagogical practice, active learning

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How to Cite
Rangel Romero, J. C. (2023). I. LAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITALES Y SU ADECUACIÓN PARA LA INSTRUCCIÓN BÁSICA. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v12i1.527
Artículos Científicos