
Martín Genaro Gutiérrez Cristóbal




In the wide social analysis that is making about recently pandemic phenomenon and its relation with educational situations, a few times the mother of families’ testimonials are showed. Just recently are viewed the effects, contradictions and difficulties that families lived during confinement period caused for pandemic, like was Mexican case, it is worth it showing part of the complex work of teaching their children at home.

This work describes a group mothers experience at Mexico City with intention of analyzing their social representations about the way how they were teaching their children at pandemic time. From a qualitative exploration based of rooted theory and deep interviews, we recognize a significant social part of the complex process in which during confinement they were able to teaching their children. It concludes they assumed practices about the teaching act, which was building via their references, strategies and expectations.

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pandemic; mothers’ family; teaching; social representations; qualitative research.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Cristóbal, M. G. (2023). I. THERE YOU SEE ME BECOMING A TEACHER. SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS OF FAMILY MOTHERS TEACHING DURING THE PANDEMIC. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 11(1), 28. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v11i1.493
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