
Guadalupe Fernández López Jorge Alberto Vidal Urrutia David Rabadan Martínez Roberto Gabriel García Larragoiti


This dissertation is based on the framework of the political transition in Mexico 2019-2022
where the active role of citizenship seeks to insert itself into a logic that allows the
consolidation of Mexican democracy in particular aims to analyze the
variables of social participation in strategic issues and documents such as security
government and its governmental strategies, which provide us with some empirical evidence
of the first four years of the six-year term of government 2018-2024, where violence and the crisis
post-pandemic financial policies have prevailed. The efforts that in
political, institutional and public policy matters that have been sought to be undertaken since
federal programs. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the control of the
citizen security and how government actions are promoted and built, and with it
obtain the necessary conditions for the elaboration of public policies that lead to
the stability and development of the country, in this sense the analysis of the PND 2019-2024 is very
important since a change in social policy is expected. the methodology of this
research is qualitative with an exploratory-explanatory approach, through the analysis of
contents and hermeneutic analysis in documentary sources. The documentary analysis of
hermeneutical contents will allow us to evaluate the institutional objectives that
impact on the strategies and lines of action in the construction of a modern nation and of
their socioformative processes.

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Security, Citizenship, Strategies, Government, Politics.

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How to Cite
Fernández López, G., Vidal Urrutia, J. A., Rabadan Martínez, D., & García Larragoiti, R. G. (2023). LII. SECURITY, CITIZENSHIP AND GOVERNMENT STRATEGIES IN MEXICO, 2019-2022. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 10(10), 24. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v10i10.478
Artículos Científicos