
Martha Guadalupe Escoto Villaseñor - Rosa María Navarrete Hernández


Current education is deployed towards a transformation to face existing social and
technological trends and problems, for this, ways are sought to meet the needs that the speed
of changes have generated, these changes are manifested in new contexts, which allows
generating a new reality, a new place, composed of hyperdimensions that intend to complete
what is missing in physical space, having a much faster response speed. The present work is
constituted to determine the impact that the integration of multimedia technology can
generate as a mediation in the learning of the Differential Calculus unit using a transmission
of the contents, for this, different multimedia pedagogical materials are used as a means of
support in learning.
It is complemented by selected material that circulates on the Web, by innovation in
the creation of multimedia resources and different resources that allow the exploration and
investigation of its impact in the classroom, these means of expression are used as a tool in
the presentation of information that are integrated into the study of Differential Calculus, this
learning unit visualizes the functions when their variables change by making use of the
derivative. The final intention in this study is to resort to the democratization of content, by
sharing the generated resources integrated by multiple perspectives, it is intended to achieve
a generalization of understanding and evaluation inside and outside the classroom.

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Network tools, Learning, Innovations, Multimedia

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Escoto Villaseñor -, M. G., & Navarrete Hernández, R. M. (2022). XV. MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY AS AN INTERMEDIARY IN LEARNING DIFFERENTIAL CALCULATION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 7(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v7i1.409
Artículos Científicos