
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo Lizeth Daniela Arenas Joya Erika Yulieth Rodríguez Uribe Angy Daniela Ortiz Rey Paola Andrea Reyes Serrano Fanny Bernarda Patiño Becerra


This article addressed the issue of inclusion in education, taking into account the positive points or in favor that it has. This article was generated from a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach and in turn established or was based on conceptual and theoretical references, which helped observation and analysis of the positive points that inclusion in the field has today educational. It tries to make an approach of some components or characteristics that underlie the methodologies and strategies of the teaching-learning processes. This is integrated or proposed as a valid model or response, but as a precise element to promote the construction of diverse experiences that can be productive and shared with others and that in turn can create changes that initiate inclusion. Specific approaches shed light on how some strategies can be useful to generate different types of educational practices that are relevant to the development of an inclusive philosophy.

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Inclusion, Education, History, Concepts, Theories

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How to Cite
Silva Giraldo, C. A., Arenas Joya, L. D. ., Rodríguez Uribe, E. Y. ., Ortiz Rey, A. D. ., Reyes Serrano, P. A., & Patiño Becerra, F. B. . (2020). III. EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios En Red - REDIIR, 1(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/rediir.v1i1.1
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