
Lady Victoria Bucheli Aguilar Stefanny Karolina Rodriguez Vichisela Carla Lizeth Melendres Sánchez Diego Fernando Herrera López Luis Rolando Ojeda Nuñez


Intentional or unintentional injuries can generate serious consequences in the development of the human being and their environment, especially in children aged 1 to 3 years where their vulnerability increases, this motivates higher education institutions to strengthen their projects of connection with society. Objective: to promote the culture of risk management and first aid in 20 Child Development Center of Quito-Ecuador, through training in first aid, accident prevention and risk management. Methodology: Research - Action, analyzing 2 axes: 1) Risk management through the review and update of the Emergency Plans, 2) First Aid, preparing a base line of knowledge and subsequent cycle of synchronous and asynchronous virtual training due to the Covid19 pandemic. Results: 21 emergency plans were prepared and updated, determining the main threats and vulnerabilities. The second stage, due to the Covid19 pandemic, has virtualized its planning and has reached 75% progress, having evaluation instruments, didactic material, virtual classroom, and asynchronous videoconferences., Conclusions: The effects of Covid-19 in higher education have motivated the adoption of new strategies for the transfer of knowledge to the community, educating the population permanently in first aid and risk management improves response capacities and creates more resilient cities. 

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First aid, Prevention, Response, Emergency

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Bucheli Aguilar, L. V. ., Rodriguez Vichisela, S. K., Melendres Sánchez, C. L. ., Herrera López, D. F. ., & Ojeda Nuñez, L. R. . (2022). XIII. PROMOTION OF THE CULTURE OF RISK MANAGEMENT AND FIRST AID: PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES IN THE MIDST OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.66
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