
Laura Natalia Calderón Montero Lendy Tatiana Palacios Hernández


Caring has been one of the functions assigned to women for a long time. Caring for others has prevailed over self-care. From this perspective, and with the aim of recognizing the degree of self-care of women in the floriculture sector, a comparative activity was carried out between actions carried out for and for their children. The questions were aimed at recognizing self-care in physical and emotional aspects, however, among the actions an additional aspect was recognized: the spiritual. The results concluded that while women are concerned about feeding their children, that they do not suffer physical damage, that they do not get cold and that they rest well; for them they dedicate less time to physical care (they do not eat well if there is no other person, they do not rest eight hours and they are not aware of the physical risks to which they are exposed); In addition, the care of children is evidenced in the emotional and spiritual, however, no cases were reported in which a spiritual reflection on themselves was evidenced. Finally, the greatest difference is found in terms of diseases, while children's care is immediate, they prefer to endure or self-medicate, exposing the hierarchical concern of the other.  

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Self Care, Care, Women

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How to Cite
Calderón Montero, L. N. ., & Palacios Hernández, L. T. . (2022). XII. WOMEN AND SELF-CARE: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CARING FOR ONE AND CARING FOR THE OTHER . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 5(5), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v6i6.65
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