Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education by offering new opportunities for
personalizing learning, automating tasks, and enhancing the educational experience. This
article examines the impact of AI in education, focusing on three key areas: personalization
of learning, support for teachers through task automation, and the ethical challenges
associated with its implementation. AI makes it possible to adapt content and teaching
methods to the individual needs of each student, promoting inclusive and autonomous
education. In addition, the automation of administrative and evaluative tasks frees up time
for teachers to focus on pedagogical development, optimizing their role in the classroom.
However, the use of AI in education raises important ethical challenges, such as data privacy,
algorithmic bias, and equity in access to the technology. These issues require appropriate
oversight and regulation to ensure that AI is used responsibly and promotes a fair educational
environment. Finally, it highlights emerging trends in the use of AI, such as virtual assistants
and educational robotics, which promise to continue to revolutionize learning in the coming
years. AI in education, if applied ethically and responsibly, has the potential to transform
educational systems and improve learning
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Artificial Intelligence in education, personalized learning, educational automation, AI ethics, learning algorithms, virtual assistants, learning personalization, educational innovation.
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