
Jorge Alberto Vidal Urrutia Claudia Monterrosas Suárez


Educational policy in Mexico has experienced two severe reforms from 2013 to
2019, both characterized under the seal of teacher evaluation, seen as a more labor-related
than educational reform and the last and current one under the format of diagnosis and
continuous improvement, but what? What is interest than the guide and the background?
What explains the behavior or resistance to these nodal aspects of educational reform?
We can infer that what is sought is to avoid governance problems in the country at all
costs and if we associate that the impact of these political reforms in education affected
to a certain extent the relationship between the organized teachers and the governments
in question.
In the teaching evaluations of the educational reform in Mexico, a goal of
technical professionalization is perceived, an intention to measure the teaching
capabilities of teachers at the different levels of basic and upper secondary education.
However, in Mexico a public policy is more of a six-year policy rather than a true state
This research is retrospective, longitudinal and transversal exploratory of two
sections, methodologically speaking (Méndez, 2013) and seeks to carry out a
documentary analysis based on the National Development Plans 2013-2018 and 2019-
2024, article 3 of the Constitution, the principles rectors of the New Mexican School,
among other strategic documents for a content analysis in a hermeneutic manner.

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Education reform, Comparative analysis, Education, Education polices, Teacher evaluation

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Revista de Investigación Transdisciplinaria en Educación, Empresa y Sociedad -ITEES
Vol. 11 N°1
Pág. 76
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Citation Format
How to Cite
Vidal Urrutia, J. A., & Monterrosas Suárez, C. (2023). III. EL IMPACTO DE LAS REFORMAS EDUCATIVAS EN MÉXICO: UN ANÁLISIS COMPARADO DE LAS POLÍTICAS IMPLEMENTADAS EN 2013 Y 2019. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v11i1.545
Artículos Científico