Higher education institutions face increasingly demanding challenges to guarantee the successful development of their mission. A frequent concern of these institutions is the academic failure of students as a consequence of poor academic performance. This causes difficulties for both the student and the institution, which result in considerable losses of money and time. These losses may be due to delays in the study plan, failure of subjects, abandonment of the professional career, restart of training processes, student dropout or waste of resources, among others. This problem is complex due to the incidence of multiple factors, which is evident in the literature, which questions the lack of definitive solutions to overcome this situation. As a contribution to the solution of this problem, this work proposes a methodology based on educational data mining techniques known as EDM (Educational Data Mining), with the purpose of understanding and analyzing the phenomenon of academic performance. In addition, findings are presented in the context of the aforementioned problem obtained from a literature review and, finally, the results of the initial stages of the application of said methodology to a real case study in a Colombian public university are presented. The above allows us to conclude about the relevance of the application of MDE in the context of the academic performance of university students.
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higher education; academic performance; MDE; KDD; Mining of data.
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