
Ángela Ivethe Mayorga Ortegón Iván David Aristizábal Murillo



Taking into account the relevance that talking about educational inclusion in formal and non-formal academic systems has today, this approach is carried out that allows establishing a description of the disability care models and their impact on educational inclusion in an entity from Calarcá, Quindío in 2021, in order to expand the academic discussion, to influence the circumstances in the living conditions of people who are in quality and/or condition of disability and who, in some way they face different barriers to their full development; Hence, the research process is based on an empirical-analytical position that seeks to describe the phenomenon in a qualitative way, thus facilitating the relational identification between the care model and educational inclusion with respect to disability. Thus, it is evident through the application of the different analyzes that the curricular construction of the programs that address disability lacks an adaptation that allows addressing the real needs of individuals with a condition or quality of disability, because they do not have a defined care model. From the above, and by way of conclusion, it is important to recognize that the lack of regulations that encourage educational entities to adopt models of care that allow real educational inclusion and that break the paradigms of purely social inclusion, new spaces are needed. research and academic discussion.

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inclusion; disability; educational inclusion; Model of attention; quality of life.


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How to Cite
Mayorga Ortegón, Ángela I., & Aristizábal Murillo, I. D. (2023). VI. DISABILITY CARE MODELS AND THEIR IMPACT ON EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION IN AN ENTITY OF CALARCÁ, QUINDÍO IN THE YEAR 2021. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 10(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v10i1.500
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