
Martha Patricia Martínez Márquez



In Mexico, education, the last level of basic education is Secondary, the stage of adolescence, it is in this grade where the research was carried out. Taking as a background the SARS COVID-19 Pandemic. This research aims to know how, through reading and art therapy, students manage their emotions. To achieve this, a quasi-experimental methodology was used under a Pretest-Postet design with a control group (without treatment) and an Experimental group. (with treatment) Two groups of 30 students each, third grade, are included, the consent of their parents and the school authorities was taken into account. The following were applied: 1. Reading test, 2. Reading habits test and 3. Emotions test, at the beginning of the research and at the end of it, once the treatment was applied. At the end, the following results were achieved: of the participating students in the control group (M33) and experimental group (M31), there are a total of 60 Public Education students. The majority of the M33 group in the first survey of test 1 obtained very low scores with reference to the number of questions, in Test 2. They report that 80% of the young people commented on their dislike of reading, as for Test 3. to the question: Do you find it difficult to express your emotions with words? 36% often mention and 28.8% almost always find it difficult to express their emotions. Finally, the following conclusions were drawn: the students of group M31 showed that the activities on emotion management helped to manage them.

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emotions; thoughts; feelings; emotion management; reading; art therapy; pedagogical tool.


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How to Cite
Martínez Márquez, M. P. (2023). V. READING AND ART THERAPY A PEDAGOGICAL TOOL FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF EMOTIONS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 10(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v10i1.499
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