The purpose of this research is to carry out an analysis on the relevance of technological tools such as ICT, TAC and TEP to improve the teaching-learning process. For this, a research was designed with a qualitative approach, of an exploratory/descriptive type, the population that We study teachers with a sample of twelve teachers, using questionnaires and online interviews with a Google forms instrument as a technique; This investigation was carried out at the Technical Secondary School No. 84, mayor of Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico, it is also mentioned that, from the analysis and systematization of data, they provided information that helped clarify points to improve the processes of teaching-learning, based on various authors such as Vygotsky, Delors, Parra, Domínguez, etc. to name a few.
These authors conceive the scope of these tools as means that allow the aforementioned processes to be improved, taking into account that the student had a substantial approach during the COVID-19 pandemic and that at this time it is significant that the teacher becomes professional to bring them closer. but now on an educational level and not just for fun, however, it must also be taken into account that the teacher must become professional in the use of these tools, since he is immersed in the fourth industrial revolution, which requires making changes to meet the new needs of students.
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teaching; learning; TIC; CT; PET.
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