The present research titled “Musical education as a strategy to develop the oral expression of 5-year-old children in the I.E.I. 183 Copani”, had the purpose of developing oral expression through the 5 musical activities developed as learning workshops on different dates. The objective of the research is to determine the influence of musical education as a strategy in the development of oral expression in 5-year-old children. The research hypothesis states that the musical education strategy positively influences the development of oral expression in 5-year-old children. Likewise, the type of research is experimental and the design is pre-experimental. The population with which this research was worked is made up of a total of 78 boys and girls aged 3, 4 and 5 years from the Initial Educational Institution 183 Copani, and the sample of 12 5-year-old children. The techniques and instruments that were used to collect the data were basically the observation technique, using as an instrument the PRE TEST (entry test) and POST TEST (exit test) and the questionnaire instrument that was applied to the parents of family. Thus, to verify the general hypothesis and meet the objective, the non-probabilistic statistical test of the Chi Square (X2 16) was applied, achieving the following results: Where the value of the Chi Square is = 18.90, which is greater than the Chi Square of tables of expected frequencies = 7.815, which belongs to the rejection region, therefore, it can be stated that the level of development of oral expression in the exit test is better than the level of development of the oral expression of the entry test, these results indicate that the musical activities applied in the experiment positively influenced the development of their oral expression of the 5-year-old children, at a significance or error level of 5%.
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education; music; oral expression; strategies; integral development; neuroscience; didactics; methods; pedagogy.
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