The practicum in teacher training has different objectives, among which a central one is reflection on one's own practice. To accompany this metacognitive reflection, the writing of training diaries or logs is proposed. In these, writing stands as a privileged instrument that allows one to organize one's thoughts (and feelings) to reflect on what is thought, said and done in a classroom during classes or outside of it in the multiple spaces that and the teachers share with their students. The objective of this work is to analyze the contributions in the construction of teaching identity that the training logs carried out during the practicum provide to primary education teaching students. To achieve this purpose, we work with a qualitative methodology: the case study, made up of public and free primary education teachers in the City of Buenos Aires. A set of 40 practice logs collected in four institutes is analyzed. To organize the data and evaluate the contribution of the logs, a self-developed rubric is used. The partial results of the ongoing research allow us to support the importance of metacognitive reflective writing during the training process and point out, in conclusion, its contributions in the construction of teaching identity.
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identity; teacher; practicum; metacognition; logs.
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