
Alberto Valdez Sandoval Gladis Andrea Soto López


In this work, the results are compared when measuring the learning of high school students in the subjects of physics and chemistry, in CBTis 224. The comparison is carried out by measuring the learning obtained by two instruments: a) the Expert Evaluation System Intelligent (SEEI) published by Sánchez et al. (2021) and b) A traditional evaluation using weights. SEEI is an expert system that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to calculate, on a scale from zero to ten, the grade resulting from an evaluation process of student learning. By using AI, it is expected that the results obtained will be more precise and accurate than traditional evaluations with weighting since AI imitates the human reasoning that happens in the teacher's brain when evaluating and issuing a value judgment. The objective of this research is to find validity in the SEEI instrument. This line of research seeks to gradually find this validity that allows it to be used by any teacher, to evaluate any competence, in any subject, in any educational institution located in anywhere in the world just by having access to the internet. The results provide firm evidence that the line of research is on the right track and that it is worth continuing to test and adjust SEEI and find validity in more contexts in the future.

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diffuse logic; expert system; assessment; competence; rubric.


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How to Cite
Valdez Sandoval, A., & Soto López, G. A. (2023). I. EVALUATION OF LEARNING WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 10(1), 159. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v10i1.495
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