
Ivone Karina Tejada Pedraza


The following study presents the results obtained from the research carried out on
the consequences of the Burnout Syndrome and its incidence in the practice of university
teachers. The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of professional
burnout syndrome in the practice of teachers from the Faculty of Social Sciences,
Humanities and Arts of a College in Bucaramanga, Colombia. The methodology was mixed,
with a descriptive scope; the population consisted of teachers from the Faculty of Social
Sciences, Humanities and Arts, to whom the first information collection instrument called:
Burnout Questionnaire was applied through a Google form, based on this application, it was
obtained the sample of thirty-two teachers, who were chosen, according to the previously
established selection criteria, of this number, the sample was sedimented until the teachers
were chosen, to whom the second information collection instrument was applied. , which is
a semistructured interview of twelve questions, with which the teachers' perception of the
burnout syndrome was obtained, these perceptions revealed that although they did not know
about the syndrome, they did develop its symptoms, specifically from the change of modality
to because of the pandemic, leading them to consider quitting their jobs and/or suffering
from episodes of retrograde amnesia.

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Burnout síndrome, College, Teachers, Teaching practice

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How to Cite
Tejada Pedraza, I. K. (2022). XXXVII. BURNOUT SYNDROME, ITS IMPACT ON THE PRACTICE OF TEACHERS OF A COLLEGE, BUCARAMANGA (COLOMBIA). Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.392
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