
María Fernanda Buitrago Chavez - Anderson Iván González Chaves - Asdrúbal Henao Vega


This work was developed due to a problem of laterality presented in students of the
Escuela Normal Superior Santiago de Tunja, where as a first measure the taste of the students
for music as an art was emphasized, given that body percussion is a way of doing music.
music in a fun way, for this reason, it was decided to implement the project Body Percussion,
Musical Education Within Everyone's Reach, to students from grade 5-03 of primary school.
It is an action research, with a qualitative approach; We worked with a number of 22
students where the information collection tools were a diagnostic test and eight workshops,
in which the students were expected to learn musical terminology that would help them in
their process.
As a result, the students knew the musical logic and the value of the musical duration
figures through graphs, implementing the BAPNE method, necessary for the development of
literacy and numerical analysis, they also worked on their auditory directionality since it is
necessary to listen to the another to achieve the assemblies. Music has always been a form of
expression of the human being, for this reason, the students had the possibility throughout
the class to know sounds and associate them with different emotions, in this way the
information collection instruments were made based on the music and not the other way
around; for this process the body was the musical instrument.

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Lateralidad, Percusión corporal, Música, Cuerpo

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Buitrago Chavez -, M. F., González Chaves -, A. I., & Henao Vega, A. (2022). XXXIII. MUSICAL EDUCATION WITHIN REACH OF EVERYONE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–38. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.388
Artículos Científico