
Mónica Andrea Guío Rangel


Innovations in the educational system generated by contemporary pedagogy define
essential transformative elements of the current society. The adult education paradigm
defined as “the art and science of adult teaching” demands to fundamentally appreciate
biological, psychological and social backgrounds strengthening their involvement in a
multicultural environment. Horizontality, flexibility, autonomy and ethics concepts have
been applied as the most important components in adult education programs in the social and
educational state policies. The objective of this research is designing pedagogical strategies
interceded by the adult education principles to reinforce competences regarding “Information
and Communication Technologies” (ICTs) in the “Gimnasio Gran Colombiano” Educational
Institution from the city of Tunja. The methodology approach of this research was developed
under the qualitative paradigm, of a Hermeneutic/Comprehensive category, employing the
descriptive case study method. During the results analysis the relevance of (ICTs)
Potentialities and services deployment in institutional and school internships as transversal
tool and educational innovation. Accordingly, the urgent need of organizing a segmentalized
plan to strengthen teacher qualification in the use of technological tools was identified with
the purpose of outlining Orientational Learning Procedures (OLP) interacting with digital
programs and applications that invigorate school teaching approaches and methodologies.

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Adult Learning, Pedagogy, ICT Competence, Social Transformation.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Guío Rangel, M. A. (2022). XXXII. ADULT EDUCATION PARADIGM IN SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.387
Artículos Científico