
Manuel Fernando González Cuevas - John Mauricio Sandoval Granados


The commercial expansion of electronic devices, the expansion of networks that
enable access to the Internet and bring with them the possibility of connecting in real time
with people in various geographical scenarios, as well as allowing the consultation of diverse
sources of information in multiple institutions, profoundly altering the way in which people
and individuals relate to information and the knowledge society.
This approach seemed to be developing in a partial way, motivated only by the
challenges of the working world and stimulated by the market, but a health situation would
come up that would disrupt this paradigmatic bet, with incredible brevity the COVID 19
virus, became a pandemic that provided an initial isolation, same that questioned the
separation of population groups and for the school enacted a new interaction based on the
connection through virtual platforms.
Emanating from this transformation and strengthened by health care standards, a
gradual return to school institutions at all levels was developed, which does not imply a return
to the education, practices and didactic sequencing that took place prior to the pandemic, but
rather imbricate a new daily life and teaching praxis, due to the transformation of practices
that led to the overcoming of isolation and the insertion of technologies in the school field.
In this way, technological development and student training converge to form a hybrid
learning system that combines the availability of ICT resources with the experience of faceto-face education

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Hybrid learning, Online education, Instructional design, Face-to-face education

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Citation Format
How to Cite
González Cuevas -, M. F., & Sandoval Granados, J. M. (2022). XVII. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN IN TIMES OF HYBRID LEARNING. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.372
Artículos Científico