
Yannina Mitza Arias Huaco - Gabriela Cornejo Valdivia - Carolina Kennedy Salas Luza


The purpose of the study was to determine the family coexistence in sanitary
quarantine and its incidence in the cognitive development of the students of the Professional
School of Initial Education of the UNA-PUNO, with a quantitative approach of Descriptive
type, of correlational descriptive design, the technique that observation was used, and the
instrument was the observation guide, for the results the arithmetic mean was applied, the
investigation was carried out for three months.
The results indicate the family coexistence in sanitary quarantine and its incidence in the
cognitive development of the students of the Professional School of Initial Education with a
percentage of 55% of students that represents 11 students of 20 that through the analysis of
results confirm that there is an incidence of the family coexistence variable in sanitary
quarantine, in the cognitive development of the students of the Professional School of Initial
Education of the UNA-PUNO and that said incidence is high.

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Family coexistence, cognitive development, initial education, virtual education, health emergency.

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How to Cite
Arias Huaco -, Y. M., Cornejo Valdivia -, G., & Salas Luza, C. K. (2022). XIII. FAMILY COEXISTENCE IN SANITARY QUARANTINE AND ITS IMPACT ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.368
Artículos Científico