
Andrés Julián Guzmán Sierra


It is intended to analyze normatively and pedagogically the development of physical
education in the primary public school in Colombia during the 20th century, based on the
existing documentary review in each of the four periods selected by the researcher, in order
to specify the problems related to the development and execution of physical education
training processes. The methodological component of the research presents a qualitative
approach, supported by the application of the historiographical method and the theory based
on analysis - synthesis, induction and deduction, critical assessment and description of
results, as well as considerations of the historical paradigm. - hermeneutic. The
systematization of information was given from the technique of documentary and
bibliographic filing established according to a matrix of characterization by categories
(normative, pedagogical). As main results, the conformation of a conceptual and theoretical
base was established according to the systematized bibliography, allowing to analyze the
normative and pedagogical conditions that promoted the development of physical education
in the established period of time. As an initial conclusion, the setbacks, stagnation and
advances related to physical education in the school context were identified in coherence
with the central research question and the guiding questions. The theoretical value of research
from the educational philosophical perspective underlies a starting point for the
implementation of an emerging curricular approach.

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School, Public, Primary, Physical education

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How to Cite
Guzmán Sierra , A. J. (2022). VI. NORMATIVE AND PEDAGOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF COLOMBIA IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.361
Artículos Científico