
Yadira del Pilar Camperos Villamizar Luz Adriana Peña Wilches -


This research project aimed to analyze the development of TLK skills (Technologies
for Learning and Knowledge) in students of the psychology program of the Universidad
Cooperativa de Colombia in the branch located in Arauca, under the gaze of the Theory of
Connectivism. The methodology of this study was framed in the qualitative approach, with
a phenomenological design. The data collection techniques applied were the survey and the
focus group; thus, triangulation was used as a method of contrasting and corroborating data.
The findings of this project concluded that ICTs (Information and Communication
Technologies) are seen only as a communication tool, which is why it is important to adjust
the teaching models in accordance with the new digital age, so that these are appropriate from
learning technologies and TLK knowledge. This leads to configure digital skills under an
innovative educational modernity that evolves culturally at the speed of technological
progress. Concluding that the Theory of Connectivism lays the foundation of students’
participation, learning networks, information exchange and new forms of knowledge, where
the main objective of the teacher is to facilitate an initial learning environment. Hence,
students can build personal knowledge environments that allow them to connect to effective
networks, where learning occurs as a result of the exchange of information and autonomous
reflection, based on constant updating and decision-making.

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Connectivism, Information and Communication technologies and learning and knowledge technologies

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How to Cite
Camperos Villamizar, Y. del P., & Peña Wilches -, L. A. (2022). V. ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF TAC COMPETENCIES IN THE STUDENTS OF THE PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM OF THE UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVA OF COLOMBIA EXTENSION ARAUCA UNDER THE LOOK OF THE THEORY OF CONNECTIVISM. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 9(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v9i1.360
Artículos Científico