
Aurora Elizabeth Pocoacá Sáenz


An unforeseen situation like the current one influences the emotional health of the teacher.
The pandemic and confinement unleashed emotional stress leading teachers to acquire, as in
an emergency, new knowledge, attitudes, and ways of interacting.
The present study answers the following question: What is the characteristic of the
relationships betwee individuals inside the group of teachers? To provide an answer, a
phenomenological qualitative research was proposed. The sample was taken at randon. Indepth interviews and focus group techniques were used, and their analysis were carried out
from an interpretive approach that included a triangulation between the information, the
theory, and the researcher.
The study identified effects on emotional health, caused by the power that relationships
exercises and that circulates among the subjects; therefore, power resides not in a position
but in the relationships that people exercise, represented as a network of connections between
Power is in relationships. Power that lays in a position does not make sense if it is not in the
framework of relationships; therefore, it is necessary to generate horizontal relationships that
open dialogues of trust and achieve the emotional well-being of those who had to adapt, in a
short time, to the new virtual classes. And thereby, achieve academic goals.

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emotional health, relationships, power

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pocoacá Sáenz, A. E. (2020). CLXXXIII. CHAPTER TITLE POWER IN RELATIONSHIPS AND THE EMOTIONAL HEALTH OF THE ECONOMIC SCIENCES TEACHER AGAINST THE IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC AND CONFINEMENT. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.350
Artículos Científico