
Tânia Regina Dantas


The work that will be presented deals with the articulation between education and social
transformation, taking as one of the main theorists Paulo Freire, who in several of his works
defends the important role of education in the process of transformation of society. He also
draws on the work of Edgar Morin (2003) when he states that "The school, in its singularity,
contains within itself the presence of society as a whole" (MORIN, 2003, p.100), and
highlights the potential of education to change social reality. This author defends the idea of
innovating paradigms, breaking the fragmentation of knowledge, and changing the
conventional way teachers and educational directors act in school. In the book Extension or
Communication, Freire (1987) states that where there are no spectators, reality can be
transformed into the liberation of men. To be dialogical is not to invade, it is not to
manipulate, it is not to create a slogan, that is, to put a persuasive label. To be dialogical is
to commit oneself to the constant transformation of reality, as Freire says. The aim of this
work is to highlight the training of teachers as an important aspect of social transformation
through education. The training of educators is indispensable because it addresses the need
for change in any educational process, from the literacy of children to the education of adults.
It is essential to change and raise awareness in society, as well as the role of education in this
process. Only the human being, through the reflection of action, has the capacity to act,
operate, reflect, transform, and commit to society. In a dialogical perspective of a qualitative
approach to educational research, the work will be anchored in a methodology based on
bibliographic research with current data on teacher education in Brazil, focused on the
segment or modality of youth and adult education (EJA). The results presented will highlight
the public policies that have been developed in the field of educator training for EJA which
can contribute to social transformation in Brazil.

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education, social transformation, youth, and adult education.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Regina Dantas, T. (2020). CLXXXI. EDUCATION AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: TEACHER TRAINING AS A POSSIBILITY . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.348
Artículos Científico