
Jesús Yin Hurtado Cruz


The present research analyzes through the case study and the Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA)
methodology, the cognitive functions involved in solving mathematical problems in Pruebas
Saber Third Grade in 30 students of primary basic education of the Institución Educativa
Juan XXIII of the city of Cali, Colombia. The study is justified from the social, the theoretical
and the methodological aspects, since it provides systemic guidelines to attend to the
neurodiversity of schoolchildren, identify their educational needs and specify the difficulties
in the construction of mathematical knowledge. Likewise, the study contributes new
developments to the theoretical heritage of mathematical cognition processes and allows the
strengthening of teaching pedagogical practices in the design of instruments for assessing
cognitive demand in the execution of mathematical tasks. The results show that the cognitive
functions of: Systematic exploration; Precision and accuracy in data collection; Definition of
a problem; Work memory; Mental flexibility; Summative behavior; Hypothetical thinking;
Behavior planning; Logical thinking and projection of virtual relationships; they make the
difference between the various levels of performance in schoolchildren. The conclusions
make it possible to point out that low school performance at a cognitive level is due to the
lack of the mental structures necessary to internalize data, plan and execute complex
cognitive operations, self-regulate, and coherently communicate answers, ideas, or

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cognitive functions, school performance, neurodiversity, problem solving, mathematics education.

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How to Cite
Hurtado Cruz, J. Y. (2020). CLXXVIII. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE IN PROBLEM SOLVING MATHEMATICS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.345
Artículos Científico