
Lilia Angélica Ramírez Mora - Yenny Rocío Sánchez Moreno


This research work addresses the theme of welfare that underlies the conceptions, integral of
the students of grade 2-01 of the San Luis Gonzaga Educational Institution of Chicoral
Espinal - Tolima Colombia., in marking within the current regulations for basic education. It
gives an account of the creation of the school in Colombia, the rights of children, the history
of the guidance offices in Colombia and the context of the population under study that is in
grade 2-01 of said Institution. It presents an analysis of how the concept of Wellbeing has
evolved in school over time, it shows the analysis of both the students' concepts and the
documents present in the Colombian educational system as evidenced by its objectives.
The methodology used is the qualitative approach, with the interview technique supported
by the questionnaire instrument with which the information is collected and the results of the
welfar concept that the students have are presented. For data analysis, the information was
grouped into two categories: Educational Institution and Welfare. With the work carried out,
it is possible to conclude that the concept of Well-being is linked to different aspects such as:
coexistence, physical aspects and care immersed in the school.

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welfare, students, educational institution, coexistence pact, guidance, guiding teacher, Diversified Middle Education Institutes (INEM), Institutional Educational Project (PEI).

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How to Cite
Ramírez Mora -, L. A., & Sánchez Moreno, Y. R. (2020). CLXXVII. THE CONCEPT OF WELFARE IN THE SAN LUIS GONZAGA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.344
Artículos Científico