
Luis Miguel Moreno Murcia - María Beatriz Silva García - Crhistian Camilo Hidrobo Baca - Gina Yurley Fuentes Rojas - Diana Carolina Rincón Téllez


The development of soft skills has aroused the interest of academics, researchers, and
entrepreneurs, due to the impact it generates on individual and corporate development in
modern societies. The objective of this research is to know the epistemological, theoretical,
disciplinary, and practical approaches that teachers of higher education institutions have, in
terms of soft skills and their relationship to work immersion processes. It was developed
under a qualitative paradigm, using as an instrument a semi-structured interview with 20
teachers. Among the categories developed are characterization, importance and associated
competencies, training activities and relationship with processes of employability. It was
found that participants define soft skills from relational scenarios, linking these to personal,
work, and social success. In terms of development and training, educators highlight the need
to carry out training programs, through practical exercises linked to processes of motivation
and affectivity, to strengthen skills such as: creativity, critical thinking, empathy,
communication, and resilience. Finally, priority is given to the training and development of
these skills, to stand out in processes of immersion in work and employability, since
employers, on many occasions, give them priority over disciplinary knowledge. It concludes
on the need to reformulate the education system, generating processes of articulation and
harmonization with the business sector.

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soft skills, employability, higher education, teachers.

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How to Cite
Moreno Murcia -, L. M., Silva García -, M. B., Hidrobo Baca -, C. C., Fuentes Rojas -, G. Y., & Rincón Téllez, D. C. (2020). CLVVVI. UNDERSTANDING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILLS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: A TEACHING PERSPECTIVE. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.343
Artículos Científico