
Nel Marín Espinel Salazar


The present work arises as a response to multiple difficulties in the teaching of local history,
which is extremely disturbing, if it is considered that this knowledge is essential for the
diagnosis and solution of local problems. So, it is necessary to teach starting from the
student's interests and adapting to the constant change of a systemic society, where current
dynamics make education have to reinvent itself and continuously incorporate innovative
didactic and technological tools, this is the case of the comic. In response to this problem, a
series of objectives emerge that respond to the question of how to use the comic as a didactic
resource in the teaching of local history, following the fundamental steps of an actionresearch under a qualitative cut, whose results confirm the relevance of the application of the
comic as a didactic resource, revealing the increase of various skills in students in the stage
of concrete operations such as the understanding of a historical notion, the relationship of the
past-present, proximity and cognitive relativism, which invites reflection transformative
alternatives in the construction of significant knowledge mediated by an innovative didactics
that teaches thinking, where students develop the elements that are classified as higher order,
according to Anat Zohar (2006), one of the central goals of schooling in the 20th century.

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local history, didactic, cómic, teaching, locality

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Espinel Salazar, N. M. (2020). CLXV. THE CÓMIC AS A DIDACTIC RESOURCE IN LOCAL HISTORY CLASSES . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.342
Artículos Científico