
Anabel Maussa


This study determines the influence of the Cognitive Training Program mediated by Tic
(PECgM-TIC), in the cognitive processes (memory, attention, perception, speed and
reasoning), and in the academic performance in the area of language and mathematics, of the
students of 8th grade of the District Educational Institution of Las Nieves headquarters 2, of
Barranquilla (Colombia). This research is of mixed type with Nested Design or Dominant
Model Concurrent Embedding (DIAC), combined with a case study with Pre-Experiment,
aimed at a sample of 24 students of 8th grade of Basic Education, applying the PECgM-TIC
in 15 sessions with pencil and paper and 15 sessions in online platform. It is based on Reuven
Feuerestein's PEI and his theory of Cognitive Modifiability and, Taxonomy SOLO.
The triangulation of data and the analysis and interpretation of these, demonstrate significant
advances at the level of development of cognitive processes in the skills of Memory,
Coordination and Reasoning. In terms of academic performance, according to Taxonomy
SOLO, the group obtained a level of understanding of the Multistratum type mostly, followed
by the Unionstratum level, evidencing a representative advance in understanding, domains
that favored performance levels and deepening of learning in the areas of Language and
Mathematics. In addition, the improvement of the impulsive behavior of the participants was
achieved, in the self-regulation now of facing the tasks exercising the reflexive thought
before the decision making when solving problems.

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cognitive processes, academic performance, cognitive modifiability, mediation, 3p model

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Maussa, A. (2020). CLXXIV. TIC-MEDIATED COGNITIVE TRAINING PROGRAM FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF COGNITIVE PROCESSES AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN THE AREA OF LANGUAGE AND MATHEMATICS IN JUNIOR HIGH . Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.341
Artículos Científico