
Sindy Johanna Peña Bohórquez - Roisman Enrique Ravelo Méndez


Through this research, a process of incorporation of educational technologies into the area of
physical education is carried out, providing a solution to the observed problem "low academic
performance due to lack of time to teach the theoretical foundations", the ICT tool
implemented correspondence to the Classroom platform. The methodology used is
quantitative, the work was carried out in the city of Villavicencio Meta with a population of
30 fourth grade students from the Narciso Matus campus, with the main objective of
Implementing online applications through the Classroom platform with a didactic approach
To strengthen the theoretical-practical learning in the subject of physical education and
computational thinking, the results were obtained through the pretest test as initial diagnosis
and Posttest as an instrument for comparing results, a final survey was additionally executed
to know the level satisfaction of students with this type of activities, as a conclusion it can be
confirmed that the use of online applications to support teaching in the area of Physical
Education help to improve academic performance and motivation of students due to who
learn and have fun at the same time, without subtracting time from practical classes to learn
render the necessary theory. This project can be used by all teachers and in any grade,
especially physical education teachers in Colombia and they are designed with the
pedagogical guidelines and skills given by the MEN.

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online applications, physical education, computational thinking, theoretical learning

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How to Cite
Peña Bohórquez -, S. J., & Ravelo Méndez , R. E. (2020). CLXXII. INTEGRATION OF ONLINE APPLICATIONS THROUGH THE CLASSROOM PLATFORM TO STRENGTHEN THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL LEARNING IN THE SUBJECT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND COMPUTER THINKING. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.340
Artículos Científico