
Franklin Taipe Florez - Zoraida Taipe Florez - Willi Taipe Florez


Facing the emergency of COVID-19, the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco
in Peru, begins the virtual education process, using an educational license of the Classroom
and Google meet platform, as official means for virtual academic development; till now,
there is an issue that has not been analyzed yet, these are the difficulties experienced that
students, who start university life, are involved in the virtual education. The purpose of this
work is to present the difficulties that students at the professional school of agro-industrial
engineering have, in relation to connectivity to internet, domination of the platforms, quality
of the equipment used for taking classes and psychological feelings, and how these influence
in the process of authentic evaluation by the teacher in the area of mathematics. The result
reports that external factors such as the quality of connectivity and type of equipment used
for the classroom, generate internal perceptions in the students that influence in the authentic
evaluation process, in the development and understanding the authentic proposals, feedback
relationships and consultation with the teacher and the interaction of co-evaluation with their
peers; These difficulties are also associated with psychological feelings that students have
due to isolation and the COVID-19 pandemic that generate stress in the virtual classroom.

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mathematics, difficulties, authentic evaluation, covid-19 context, new university students

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How to Cite
Taipe Florez -, F., Taipe Florez -, Z., & Taipe Florez, W. (2020). CLXIII. DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ASSESSMENT IN MATHEMATICS IN STUDENTS STARTING UNIVERSITY VIRTUALLY IN THE COVID-19 CONTEXT. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.330
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