
Raymundo Lozano Rosales - María de Lourdes Amador Martínez - Omar Santillan Diaz - Mariza Raluy Herrero


This research analyzes the socio-cultural factors associated with the school dropout process
of students in a vulnerable situation in the Otomí-Tepehua region, in the state of Hidalgo,
Mexico in order to evaluate what are the elements linked to the school dropout of student’s
upper middle level in a situation of poverty and under the modality of distance education
given the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dewey's (1966) paradigm of pragmatism in a
dialectical position was fundamental for the realization of this research, the above to generate
proposals that gradually mitigate the phenomenon studied, for this the type of research is
mixed applying triangulation as a method, which aims to use the strength of both
methodological approaches to obtain complementary information regarding the same
research problem, where sociocultural, geographical, technological and economic factors are
taken up in the first instance as dimensions identified by CONAPO (National Population
Council) in Mexico. Finding various elements for which students do not achieve the fullness
of skills such as personal, sentimental, economic, didactic, public policy and infrastructure
factors, among others around high marginalization studied, which will serve as a basis for
proposing policies public services that contribute to the improvement of educational
conditions because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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school failure, poverty, social exclusion, epidemic

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How to Cite
Lozano Rosales -, R., Amador Martínez -, M. de L., Santillan Diaz -, O., & Raluy Herrero , M. (2020). CLVI. EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON DROPOUT OF STUDENTS IN A SITUATION OF MARGINALIZATION AND VULNERABILITY, OTOMÍ-TEPEHUA ZONE, HIDALGO, MEXICO. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.323
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