
Jenny Andrea Moreno Rincón - Edison Daniel Muñoz Ortiz - Camila Alejandra Rueda Restrepo


Creative writing has gained strength during the last decade in Colombia as one of the artistic
manifestations in which the emerging creators have been called to participate. However, from
the classrooms and specially, from the bachelor’s degree major in Humanities and the
Spanish Language, it has begun to emerge as a fundamental element in the transformation of
communities, especially on those that are vulnerable.
Considering what was previously said, the students' research group named Creation Exegesis
UNIMINUTO, that belongs to the bachelor’s degree major in Humanities and Spanish
language at Minuto de Dios University, the macro project "Writing multipliers" has been
created. It pretends to demonstrate how writing is an important skill that reflects some
difficult processes that different vulnerable communities have gone through to develop
creativity and re-invention of different world. Thus, based on writing we can work on aspects
such as grief, resilience, and resignification.
This presentation aims to show three projects developed from creative writing. The first one
is focused on writing for resilience with boys’ and girls’ victims of commercial sexual
exploitation (CSEC). The second one works on writing for grieving with companions of
people who have died from cancer. The third one focuses on writing of resignification
through autobiography with elderly street dwellers.

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creative writing, elderly, CSEC, grief, resilience

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Moreno Rincón -, J. A., Muñoz Ortiz -, E. D., & Rueda Restrepo, C. A. (2020). CXLVI. WRITING TO HEAL: THREE EXPERIENCES OF RESILIENCE AROUND CREATIVE WRITING. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.313
Artículos Científico