
Alex Abelardo Pacheco Pumaleque - Leydi Yanina Jiménez Huamán - Ricardo Carlos Inquilla Quispe


Today, IT organizations and areas face the great challenge of interrelating aspects such as
processes, infrastructure, hardware, software, standardization and human resources, under
the philosophy oriented to the quality of services. IT service management is not just a
technology issue; the market has changed and has become globalized, so today it is related
to the availability of services provided by the institution and user satisfaction, this makes the
incident management process one of the first processes that organizations tend to adopt . That
is why it seeks to determine the level of influence of the implementation of good practices
based on ITIL in the incident management process of the IT Office of the National University
of Cañete in Peru. The service structure is defined, roles and role owners are selected, the
process structure is defined, process controls are established, process details are designed and
the GLPI software is implemented, an incident tracking system and service two solution and
finally, IT staff and users are trained. The results are displayed in the form of statistics on the
level of efficiency in solving incidents, the registration of incidents, the customer service
center, the management and the value of the incident resolution service. Therefore, the GLPI
Software is successfully implemented to improve the incident management process through
its standardization

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service, process, incident management, ITIL, UNDC

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pacheco Pumaleque -, A. A., Jiménez Huamán -, L. Y., & Inquilla Quispe , R. C. (2020). CXXVIII. ITIL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PROCESSES IN INCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN THE IT OFFICE OF A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.294
Artículos Científico