
Vicente Alanoca Arocutipa


The reality is not so real in these new contexts of the health crisis facing the world. The social
sciences in their various disciplines have been responding to interests and social, political,
economic, cultural, and environmental contexts. In this perspective, the objective of this
research is to diagnose, understand, analyze, and interpret the reality of the Surandino
(Peruvian), in these times of sanitary crisis. The methodology used is ethnographic and
hermeneutical. The results show us that there are peoples and cultures that have undergone
historical processes of systematic exclusion and denial, however, within their wisdom they
have conserved some of their wisdom and traditions, which have become in these times of
crisis as survival strategies. This situation was not assumed by the State as such, including
by the national, regional, and local levels of government, with exceptions, the consequences
of which are faced by the population today, added by other factors, such as disinformation,
migration, unemployment, racism, corruption etc. Since its inception in quarantine, it has
been an attempt to confront the problem of COVID-19 as a strictly health problem and
situation, knowing that this is obvious, but little or nothing was done from a sociocultural
perspective. In short, it is necessary to design and apply public policies according to the
sociocultural context, especially focused on cultural and linguistic diversity, in this case, as
is Peru.

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reality, sociocultural, health crisis, surandino

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How to Cite
Alanoca Arocutipa, V. (2020). CXXVI. SOCIOCULTURAL SITUATION OF THE SOUTHERN PERU REGIONS IN THE TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.292
Artículos Científico