
Wanda Marina Román Santana - Doris del Carmen de la Cruz Mena - Judith Marcela Martínez Alonzo


Currently, there is a state of emergency due to the threat of a new coronavirus. This situation
has led to various measures being taken, including, on the recommendation of the World
Health Organization (WHO), distancing and confinement. social, as well as the face-to-face
closure of the universities. Due to this teaching had to be continued at a distance. The general
purpose of this research was to make a diagnosis of the development of distance teaching due
to the emergency of COVID-19, in the Centers and Sub-centers of the Autonomous
University of Santo Domingo (UASD). The implemented methodology was based on
working within a quantitative, descriptive, bibliographic, and field approach. The most
important findings can be mentioned, 62% of the students responded that they were only
receiving distance learning in some of the selected subjects in the semester, 2020-10. Only
16% of students indicated that they are receiving teaching in all subjects. The reasons for this
are varied, lack of internet connectivity, not having technological devices, or not having
contacted the teacher. The subjects where teaching is not being taught are the laboratories of
different faculties. In conclusion, the study revealed that the University platform is not being
used due to the lack of knowledge of teachers and students in its use and implementation.

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distance learning, internet connectivity, platform, tools, and applications for distance education

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Educación Superior en Tiempos de Coronavirus, González. N (2020) https://www.uplanner.com/es/blog/educacion-superior-en-tiempos-de-coronavirus
Gutiérrez Tapias, M. y García Cué, J.L. (2015). La comunicación emocional, una necesidad
para una sociedad en crisis. En J. Clares López y W. I. Ángel Benavides (Coord.),
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Herramientas para la educación a distancia. https://aulaabierta.info/herramientas-para-laeducacion-a-distancia/
Busaniche, B. (2020) El acceso a la cultura y la educación en tiempos de pandemia.
COVID-19 y Educación Superior: Políticas públicas nacionales
Di Silvestre, C. (1998). Somatización y percepción subjetiva de la enfermedad Cinta moebio
4: 181-189www.moebio.uchile.cl/04/silvestre.htm
Gómez, J. (2020). Manual Digital Cuidando Mi Salud Mental Durante El COVID-19.
Presentado por la Asociación Mexicana de Psicología Hospitalaria.
Educación en línea en cuarentena: ¿Cómo ser más que un docente que lee diapositivas y
entusiasmar a los alumnos? https://www.latercera.com/que-pasa/noticia/educacionen-linea-en-cuarentena-como-ser-mas-que-un-docente-que-lee-diapositivas-yentusiasmar-a-los-alumnos/
Educación Superior en Tiempos de Coronavirus, González. N (2020) https://www.uplanner.com/es/blog/educacion-superior-en-tiempos-de-coronavirus
Gutiérrez Tapias, M. y García Cué, J.L. (2015). La comunicación emocional, una necesidad
para una sociedad en crisis. En J. Clares López y W. I. Ángel Benavides (Coord.),
Expresión y comunicación emocional: prevención de dificultades socioeducativas:
actas del I Congreso Internacional de Expresión y Comunicación Emocional (p. 397-
408). Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. Recuperado de
Hernández Sampieri, R., Fernández Collado, C., y Baptista Lucio, P. (2007). Metodología de
la investigación. México: McGraw-Hill.
Herramientas para la educación a distancia. https://aulaabierta.info/herramientas-para-laeducacion-a-distancia/
Citation Format
How to Cite
Román Santana -, W. M., de la Cruz Mena -, D. del C., & Martínez Alonzo, J. M. (2020). CXXI. DISTANCE EDUCATION DURING COVID-19 CONFINEMENT. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.287
Artículos Científico