
Jaime Andrés Torres Ortiz


This work analyzes the use of ICT in rural rural schools in Boyacá and Santander, as a
necessary alternative to respond to the educational process affected by the Coronavirus
Pandemic. Some schools have decided to include the use of cell phones, in order to
disseminate academic activities, without greater educational, pedagogical or didactic
knowledge of the use of ICT by teachers and the community. The objective is to understand
the teachers' perceptions about the use of the computer, cell phone, and internet, in academic
activities at times when students are not attending school. From the action research method,
the data coding process obtained through the interviews was carried out, with which the
emerging categories were identified and analyzed; between these; the pedagogical
resourcefulness of the teacher for appropriating the pedagogical use of ICT, the fragmented
integration of the use of the cell phone, internet and computer in didactic planning, and the
adaptation of daily cultural habitus to the use of the cell phone for education; associated with
a cultural ethos of life in rural areas. Some conclusions determine pedagogical disruptions,
pedagogical and didactic decisions without further planning, determined by an affective and
emotional habitat and, the incidence of educational experiences linked to peasant culture such
as the agricultural economy, the school garden, and determined daily social practices by
family dynamics.

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pandemic, rural school farmer, ICT.

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How to Cite
Torres Ortiz, J. A. (2020). CXV. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN PEASANT RURAL SCHOOLS IN TIME OF PANDEMIC. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.281
Artículos Científico