
Milton Rover Pucha Quinchuela


This work describes the teaching practice in the classroom, considering that the teacher is an
actor who incises the quality of students learning development at all levels. The main purpose
is to determine the kind of methodology used by the teacher in the teaching and learning
process through in situ inquiry, with the purpose to propose new active methodologies in
favor to construct meaningful learning for learners. This investigative work was based on
direct observation and its instruments, as evidence, it showed that most teachers use a passive
and traditional methodology in their daily classes, what provokes demotivation in students,
as well as a minimum development of meaningful learning. As a result of this work, a manual
of active methodologies is proposed, each one counts with its respective procedure. It must
be socialized to the teaching staff through workshops for their later use in their classroom,
turning them into active spaces, participatory, interactive, collaborative, reflective, and
meaningful experiences. In summary, despite the development and advancement of science
and technology, the educational practice follows traditional models and, it requires
pedagogical innovation through continuous teacher updating to fulfill the students'
educational needs that are changing constantly.

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active methodology, teaching, learning, meaningful learning

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pucha Quinchuela, M. R. (2020). CX. THE NEED FOR A CHANGE FROM THE PASSIVE METHODOLOGY TO AN ACTIVE METHODOLOGY. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.276
Artículos Científico