
Jenny Alexandra Pardo Callejas


In the face of global challenge today and the need to generate new strategies that contribute
to education and the transformation of citizens within new technologies, it is proposed from
the Research seedbed of Participatory Methodologies of La Universidad la Gran Colombia a
virtual diploma entitled "Training of trainers", which aims to strengthen the pedagogical
practices of 24 community mothers from the town of Bosa, south west of Bogotá, who, based
on their effort, dedication and commitment, are linked to the training processes of early
childhood, thus becoming the first pedagogical process.
The diploma course will be developed within the framework of the fulfillment of objective
number 4, the 2030 agenda proposed by the UN, involving the requirements of the ICBF and
the needs of community mothers from five virtual modules, which are: pedagogical
processes, protective environments. family, communities and networks, human talent and
health and nutrition.
According to the above, within this process, virtual ethnography will be used as a
methodology that allows to interpret, describe, and study the experiences and social
relationships of community mothers within a virtual space, resulting in the construction of
new forms to learn to communicate, to socialize with others and improve their quality of life,
thus fostering civic skills and spaces for social construction

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etnografía virtual, madres comunitarias, metodologías participativas, competencias ciudadanas

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Pardo Callejas, J. A. (2020). CVIII. VIRTUAL ETHNOGRAPHY, A METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGY FOR CITIZEN PARTICIPATION STRENGTHENING IN COMMUNITY MOTHERS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.274
Artículos Científico