
Gloria Esther Gutiérrez de la Cruz


This article is the result of a major investigation that arises from the need to use reading as a
transversal device, essential in learning and whose teaching must be focused from all areas,
both linguistic and non-linguistic that make up the curriculum, including they, Language,
Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. To achieve this, the following was proposed: “describe
and analyze the transversality of reading in the curriculum of Primary Basic Education”. This
study is justified, specifically, in the axis referred to the processes of interpretation and
production of texts, which refers that reading is a process by means of which the individual
generates meanings, either in order to express their inner world, transmitting information or
interacting with others. The research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, for this
reason, a specific description of the phenomenon under study is presented, through nonparticipant observation in the fifth-grade classrooms of five public institutions and the
application of an-interview directed to 18 teachers of the same academic level. The collection
and systematization of the data, then the analysis, study and interpretation of the data made
it possible to identify the problems that teachers present when implementing reading in the
basic subjects of the curriculum.

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Transversality, reading, curriculum.

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Citation Format
How to Cite
Gutiérrez de la Cruz, G. E. (2020). CVI. THE TRANSVERSALITY OF READING IN THE CURRICULUM OF PRIMARY BASIC EDUCATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.272
Artículos Científico