
Erika Johana López Valiente - Andrea Catalina Bustamante Parra


This research proposal aims to analyze the social representation of the teachers in training of
the Bachelor of Primary Basic Education of the Pedagogical and Technological University
of Colombia, on the rural school. For this reason, it is necessary to emphasize that the
participating subjects during their educational trajectory, have been immersed in micro
practices from disciplinary areas such as Pedagogical Projects, as well as in Deepening
Practice, which they manage to develop in the different academic semesters. In addition, their
great interest in belonging to the MEN is rescued, which encourages them to become
involved in a high percentage in the rural sector. That is why students from their own
experience throughout the research project, will tell their own story in front of the school and
will be able to discuss the various difficulties of access and purposes of the school in a rural
context. Thus, how to analyze social representation in rural contexts, manages to open the
analysis of a dynamic space of continuous transformation and adaptation, that is why this
process needs to be approached from a comprehensive interpretive research methodology,
where it can know the social construction of the student in rural education. For this reason, it
is possible to conclude that the rural school suffers from a low representation in social spaces,
which from the project's own vision requires resignify said educational model as a scenario
of development and growth to social and cultural processes.

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social representations, teacher in training, rural school

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How to Cite
López Valiente -, E. J., & Bustamante Parra, A. C. (2020). CIII. SOCIAL REPRESENTATION FROM THE TRAINING OF THE LICENSED PRIMARY BASIC EDUCATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.269
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