
Claudia Corredor - Yazmín Cárdenas - Manuel Machado


Education is constantly going through transformations, which must be adapted and
assimilated in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to
analyze the basic skills of neurolinguistic programming applied in the teaching practices of
Primary Basic Education. For this, the components of these skills on anchoring, relaxation,
synchronization were studied, as well as they are presented in the practical work of the
teacher. Highlighting the relevance of the search for relevant bibliographic sources of these
skills based on Sambrano (2015), Shapiro (2014), O´Connor and Seymour (2013), among
others. A descriptive and correlational positivist-quantitative study was applied, based on a
questionnaire of nine questions with five alternatives of Likert scale responses, validated by
five experts in the educational area and with a reliability of rtt = 0.956. As a result, there is a
medium-considerable positive correlation between synchronization and relaxation, while in
the other skills it presents a low-medium positive correlation. In conclusion, it can be added
that within this discipline it is possible to relate with authenticity, being assertive, weaving
opportunities, similarities, identifications, adding wills to transform realities, reducing
distances to understand mental universes, from a series of key elements to start its study,
which are decisive at the time of carrying out a process of understanding and personal training
within the educational field, inclusive, that allow an effective teaching practice.

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neurolinguistic programming. abilities practices, education

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How to Cite
Corredor -, C., Cárdenas -, Y., & Machado, M. (2020). XCIV. BASIC SKILLS OF NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING APPLIED IN PRIMARY BASIC EDUCATION. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.259
Artículos Científico