
Miriam Herrero-Martín, Celia Martín-Sierra, Óscar Díaz Chica


The concept of humanity is susceptible to different interpretations depending on the
perspective from which it is intended to be defined. From the positivist approach that
understands it as an "exciting and hopeful conception of the human being" (Niethamer, 1808
by Acebedo & Velasco, 2015) to "the labor conditions improving of the human being"
(González, 2007). The objective of this work is to support the clarification and relationship
of humanity with other concepts and attitudes attributed to people perceived as “humanity
holders”. For this, the main indicators and attributions related to the concept of humanity are
analyzed from the perspective of a sample of the young population (men and women aged
between 16 and 22 years) through a combined questionnaire of qualitative responses and
Likert scale, that allows to explore the perception that secondary and tertiary students have
about the concept of humanity and its relationship with 9 related categories: respect, warmth,
confidence, tolerance, empathy, kindness, personal development of others, vital sense and
mediation. The results showed high scores in all categories, highlighting respect and
empathy. These approaches could be usefull to guide future research in the field of “more
humane” organizations and contexts that offer an answer to the incoming thinking of
dehumanization derived from today's digital societies.

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humanism, organizations, respect, empathy, competencies, humanism, respect, empathy, competencies

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How to Cite
Herrero-Martín, M., Martín-Sierra, C., & Díaz Chica, Óscar. (2020). LXXXV. HUMANITY: CONCEPT REVIEW ACROSS SECONDARY AND TERTIARY STUDENTS. Revista De Investigación Transdisciplinaria En Educación, Empresa Y Sociedad - ITEES, 4(4), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.34893/itees.v4i4.250
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